Why Does Apple Insist to Be Green and Equal?

Jul 8, 2014

In recent years we saw huge efforts from Apple toward being a Green-er company. In Apple's recent keynotes, they especially dedicate time to explain the footprint of each newly designed product and if you compare their older products to the new ones, you will see the attention they gave to craft better products not just in terms of performance but also focusing on it's impact on earth. Materials used are more recyclable and any harmful substance has been removed. Also they started building more and more solar farms to power up their servers.

On the other hand Tim Cook and his colleagues have been expressing their "unwavering" support toward LGBT community as Apple just today uploaded "Pride" on YouTube which is about the San Francisco's Gay Parade.  You can watch the video here:

All these effort to support the Green and LGBT communities are not without reason. Apple is a very big company and always is expanding its innovative culture and these actions will surely be a huge addition to their corporate culture but there is a reason bigger than that behind it. As you know Apple is a publicly traded company and value of such companies are decided by demand of the market. On the other hand strategic management requires executives to have plans for future to keep the growth. Agree or not it is inevitable that global warming is a huge concern and in not-so-far future being green is the only way to survive; with this, Apple guarantees itself to enjoy a sustainable source of power ahead of many others. Also LGBT activities around the world are getting more and more important. Gay Parades are getting bigger and bigger to seek equality and again in not-so-far future it will be recognized by a very huge population (Maybe not everyone!) and Apple would again be a leader in support and recognition.

With Apple's continuous support toward these activities, its stock shares will enjoy a huge demand from the supporters of these communities for now and creates a deep connection between them and Apple which will be good forever. This is a form of investment using culture and emotional attachment. Which not only adds value to the company by heart but also by money.

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